Podcaster Scott Sigler's novel Infected is now on Amazon.com

infected.jpg If you love horror with lots of gore and violence, Scott Sigler's book Infected: A Novel will be worth checking out. It has been available as a free podcast for some time, but today mark's its hard cover debut. I am joining the podcasting community in buying my copy today (which I intend to send to a niece). The goal is to make publishers aware that podcasting fiction helps sell books because people are happy to buy the books of author's they enjoy. I have listed Infected in the Books and Ideas aStore on Amazon.com, which means if you buy via this link you help both Scott Sigler and me. (Of course, he makes more!) [Note: that this book is intended for mature readers.]
Go to http://scottsigler.com or http://podiobooks.com/title/infected to learn more.
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