Reading and the Brain (BSP 24)
Show Notes
Dr. Wolf's book Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain, is divided into three main topics: the history of how writing and reading developed over the last few thousand years, the developmental stages involved in learning how to read, and what happens when the brain can't learn to read. My podcast concentrates on the main ideas from the first two topics.
History of Writing:
- the discovery of symbols
- Early writing systems- cuneiform and hieroglyphics
- why Chinese gives us a window into the past
- Importance of the Alphabet
- some claims and conclusions
- Why Socrates opposed literacy
The Stages of Becoming a Reader:
- the early pre-reader-with emphasis on language development
- the novice reader-connecting letters to the sounds of language
- the decoding reader-
- the fluent comprehending reader-learning to "read between the lines"
- the expert reader-why reading continues to change us throughout our lives
What goes wrong when the brain can't learn to read: how new findings are leading to new solutions
Links and References
- Maryann Wolf, Director of the Center for Reading and Language Research at Tufts University
- Her book Proust and the Squid contains extensive references to various scientific studies in the area
- interview of Dr. Wolf
- information for teachers
- FastForward-an successful approach to treating dyslexia
- Michael Posner-a psychologist who used PET scans to study what happens during shifts of attention (a necessary first step in reading)
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