Mindfulness Meditation with Delany Dean (B&I 20)
/Episode 20 of Books and Ideas is an interview with forensic psychologist Delany Dean, PhD. Dr. Dean began her career as a criminal lawyer but his interest in the mind and the brain lead her to a second career as a clinical psychologist. Besides forensic psyschology she has extensive experience with therapies based on the use of mindfulness meditation. In this interview, Dr. Campbell and Dr. Dean share there personal experiences with meditation, and Dr. Dean explains why she feels mindfulness meditation provides a extremely valuable tool for helping people deal with a wide range of problems, including the stress that we all face from time to time. They also give practical advise for listeners interested in beginning a mindfulness practice.
Listen to Delany Dean's Interview.
Links and References:
Mind Expressions: Delany's Dean's blog
Teachers and Scientists mentioned in the interview:
- Jon Kabat-Zinn: pioneer in secular use of mindfulness meditation
- Marsha Linehan: another pioneer in the therapeutic use of meditation
- Sharon Salzberg: cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society
- Jeffery Schwarz, MD: pioneered the use of mindfulness in treating obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). He wrote The Mind and the Brain: Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force with Sharon Begley
- Gil Fronsdal: respected teacher and director of the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood, CA
Books and Other Resources for Beginners:
- Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante H. Gunaratana-one of Dr. Campbell's favorites
- Insight Meditation: A Step-By-Step Course on How to Meditate by Sharon Salzberg, Joseph Goldstein
- Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life by Jon Kabat-zinn
- For more books and videos go to Delany Dean's private practice site.
- Insight Meditation Society-learn more about Vipassana
- Spirit Rock- this is where Dr. Campbell did the retreat she mentions in the podcast
You can find more references at the Brain Science Podcast Discussion Forum where there is on-going thread devoted to meditation and the Brain. There is also a section for discussing episodes of Books and Ideas.
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